Here is the video from Noémi association, through this video and its missions the French association wants to change the way society looks at people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.
PIMD is the definition From The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (IASSID)
PIMD means Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities.This definition are usually used by the scientific community.
This term was selected and widespread in 2004 by the Special Interest Research Groups (SIRG-PIMD) of the IASSID.
The PIMD terms concerns persons with a profound mental deficiency associated with multiple impairments, in particular motor impairments.
We can find different terms in several countries with a definition close to PIMD. The definition of PIMD is different of cerebral palsy definition, but not all countries make the difference.
Here is some example of the term used in other languages.
Here are several publications about PIMD in several domains.
Scientific research.
Social inclusion
Overview of PIMD (french)